Click here to find several photos of their shows.
Raiva Rosa is a portuguese rock band born and raised in Bragança in the year 2018.
The band was born in the fires of late night jams and the huge pressure of it’s first gig in the festival “Pra Cá do Marão”. The sounds created were directly influenced by the best that portuguese rock has to offer (Eg.: Ornatos Violeta) but also international bands like Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Queens of the Stone Age, Led Zeppelin, Artic Monkeys, etc.
Raiva Rosa’s style can be traced to Rock but it’s also possible to hear a bit of experimentation of other music genres: each band element brings some of it’s influences to create a musical dialog wich creates the band characteristic style.
In the present formation the band is made of 5 elements: João Sousa on the voice and lead guitar; André “Andy” Almeida on the back vocals and rythm guitar; João Amaro on the back vocals and keyboards; Heitor Peixoto on the Bass and Luís Rabaçal on the drums.
After creating it’s first five themes, the band kept creating and polishing it’s music until it’s final form wich can be heard in the band’s first album called “O gato Matou a Curiosidade”, with it’s publishing in 2023.
After 5 years of work, Raiva Rosa already has a lot of gigs in the bag, most of them in portuguese territory, but also abroad.
Some of the most important concerts are:
-Festival Quintanilha Rock in Bragança in 2019
-Opening for the portuguese band Xutos e Pontapés in Braganaça in 2019
-Hard Rock Café in Porto in 2021
-Summerside Festivel in Switzerland in 2023
-Festival Metamorfose in Loures in 2023
For the future the band is already working in the next album, is planing it’s 2024/25 tour and, as always, has the goal of keeping fucking rock and rolling.